Karen Information Center

February 13, 2023
More than 50 people have been arrested and imprisoned since the coup Military Councildeclared martial law in Kawkareik Township in Karen State,...
February 11, 2023
More than 20 skirmishes broke out between local resistance forces and the Military Council in Palaw-Palauk township in Tanintharyi Region, forcing...
February 10, 2023
There were fierce battles between the Military Council troops, who conducted an offensive and local People's Defense Forces (PDF) in 2 different...
February 10, 2023
In front of the Federal Parliament building in Canberra, Australia, on February 9, Myanmar people and ethnic forces in Australia gathered to hold a...
February 9, 2023
On February 7, Karenni civil society organizations released a report on human rights violations occurring in Karenni (Kayah state) after the military...
February 7, 2023
The Military Council’s Air Force bombed the villages in the south of Kawkareik Township in the Dooplaya District of the Karen National Union (KNU)...
February 7, 2023
A joint force led by the Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) attacked an encampment of the Military Council in Htee Ka Pa Lel village, south...
February 6, 2023
The Military Council burned down the home of the Chairman of the KNU in on the evening of February 4 about 13 miles from Thandaung township, Karen...
February 6, 2023
The bodies of the Military Council soldiers buried in Kawtnwe village, Dooplaya District, a territory of the Karen National Union, had to be exhumed...
February 4, 2023
A leader from the Taung Nyo revolutionary column KNU urged people to unite and struggle together until they reach the end of their journey and the...
February 3, 2023
The National Unity Government (NUG) issued a 4-point statement honoring civil and private workers who participated in the Civil Disobedience Movement...
February 2, 2023
5 police officers and their family members, arrested during the attack on the Military Council’s Waw Lay police station, south of Myawaddy, Karen...