Karen Information Center

June 22, 2023
An event took place in Mae Sot, Thailand on June 19, in recognition of the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence, aiming to...
June 20, 2023
In Ywarlaykwatthit village, located in the town of Theinzayat, Kyaikto Township, Thaton District, controlled by the 1st Brigade of the Karen National...
June 16, 2023
In Thayetchaung Township of the Taninthayi Region, police have been setting up checkpoints in front of the police station and engaging in the illicit...
June 16, 2023
According to the announcement made by the Special Operation Force (SOF), the Military Council column responsible for transporting food and ammunition...
June 16, 2023
Three middle school female students were injured when the Military Council launched an artillery shell into Hto Lwee Wah High School in Taw Oo (...
June 15, 2023
The Karen Education and Culture Department (KECD) reports that 17 schools in the Karen National Union (KNU) territory have been damaged by airstrikes...
June 14, 2023
In the first week of June, the Military Council carried out three airstrikes in Kawthoolei, an area under the administration of the Karen National...
June 13, 2023
According to residents, the City Development Committee of the Military Council in Myawaddy Township, Karen State, has issued an order to close all...
June 9, 2023
A 12-year-old boy was killed and two family members were injured by an artillery shell fired by the Military Council troops in Ywartanshey village,...
June 7, 2023
The Back Pack Health Worker Team (BPHWT) has emphasized the urgent need for cross-border assistance and humanitarian aid to the 2 million internally...
June 7, 2023
Health experts have observed a rise in suicides and mental health problems in Karen State following the military coup. According to family members of...
June 6, 2023
During the raids by resistance joint forces on the government offices in Kyainseikgyi Township, Karen State, 10 soldiers from the Military Council...