Independent Mon News Agency

March 23, 2023
According to local residents, at least 8 villages in the region are facing transportation difficulties after the destruction of the bridge between...
March 20, 2023
The headquarters of the Southeastern Command, located in Mawlamyine Township of Mon State, was attacked, resulting in explosions and damages,...
March 14, 2023
A child was killed and at least 8 others were injured due to shelling by the Military Council at Le Thit village in Tanintharyi Township, Tanintharyi...
March 1, 2023
According to the local residents in some villages in Maylamyine Township, military council troops are investigating government employees for...
February 21, 2023
40 undocumented Rohingyas were arrested by the Military Council and its joint forces near Wae Kali village of Thanbyuzayat Township in Mon State,...
February 10, 2023
According to Section 144, the military council issued a curfew from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Ye Township, Mon State. Effective February 8th, new...
February 9, 2023
360 civilians were killed in Tanintharyi Region between 1st February 2021 when the military coup took place, and the end of January 2023, according...
Two men killed outside of their village, by the Myanmar military
February 9, 2023
Two men from Ya Ngae Village, Thayet Chaung Township, Tanintharyi (Tenasserim) Division, located in the Dawei District were arrested and killed by...
February 8, 2023
The abbot’s car loaded with 8 passengers travelling from the abbey of Rar Hpu new village came under sustained fire at between the 27 mile and Hnan...
MUP Conference
February 7, 2023
The Mon Unity Party (MUP) will decide on the issue of party registration at the central committee meeting to be held in the second week of February...
January 28, 2023
The price of rice in Mon State, which had been steady for months, unexpectedly skyrocketed in the final week of January, the rice traders told Than...
January 26, 2023
The election is a political exit for Myanmar military group, currently under the name of State Administrative Council (SAC), and so they will hold...