Independent Mon News Agency

December 13, 2018
“There is a large numbers of people don’t know how to seek justice and even though they sought, many of them felt unsatisfactory to the court...
November 19, 2018
Mon State Government should help the salt-manufacturers in Mon State to get bank loans for their sustainability, according to Minn Tin Win Maung (...
November 9, 2018
The Nai Shwe Kyin Foundation has been planning to offer scholarship grants to the students who passed the 2018 Matriculation examination.
November 6, 2018
The New Mon State Party will cooperate with Mon Businesspersons promoting Mon regional development and commercial sector improvement, according to...
October 31, 2018
The central-level ceremony of the 72nd Mon National Day will be held at the Shwemawdaw Pagoda ground in the former Hanthawaddy Kingdom’s capital Bago...
Signatories of the merger and witnesses (Photo – MNA)
October 30, 2018
The Mon Party, a newly merged party of two Mon parties and political forces, will strive to obtain official registration faster.
NMSP soldier was injured by the landmine on October 15 (Photo – Facebook)
October 29, 2018
Two people have been injured by landmine blasts within this month in Kyaung Shar Kwin, which is an area of territorial dispute between the New Mon...
The unlicensed vehicle and the traffic police officer’s motorcycle, which were involved in the incident (Facebook)
October 18, 2018
Nai Pike Htwe has been arrested on October 17 for allegedly hitting a traffic police officer with his unlicensed car and opening fire in Myaing Thar...
October 18, 2018
No decision has been made on the issues concerning non-secession, self-determination, and having a unified army, which are important for Myanmar...
The card held by Nai Pike Htwe (Copy)
October 15, 2018
Col. Nai Yaung from the Mon Peace Defence Front (MPDF) has claimed that the man who shot a traffic police officer in Myaing Thar Yar Ward in...
PPST meeting (02/2018)
October 15, 2018
The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement – Signatories Ethnic Armed Organizations (NCA-S EAOs) released a statement on October 11 to announce the decision...
A copy of a statement released by the Karen National Union (KNU)
October 9, 2018
The Karen National Union (KNU) has released a statement on October 6 to express its wish to renegotiate the date for the first summit between the ten...