Independent Mon News Agency

Photo: Aung Naing Win
September 16, 2019
In the early morning of September 15th, a drug user slashed a 95-year-old man’s throat with a sword and left others injured in Kyaung village, in...
September 10, 2019
Ethnic political parties from five states such as Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, and Mon assembled to have a 3-day discussion from September 3-5, 2019...
September 7, 2019
More parents have been seeking rehabilitation for their drug-addicted children. According to Nai Jalon Htaw, Chairperson of New Mon State Party (NMSP...
September 7, 2019
Since 2018, the Sarsanar 2500 Monastery located at Sit Kel Kone Ward, Mawlamyine, Mon State has been constructing a four-story building on a hill on...
September 7, 2019
The Mon State government is cooperating with the public and taking action to recover from the tornado damage that hit Mawlamyine late in the evening...
September 2, 2019
According to Mon State Election Sub-commission, villagers from Baw Naw Hkee village, Belin Township, Mon State will not be eligible to cast their...
August 29, 2019
For the 2020 national election, over 48 million Kyats has been budgeted for the task of collecting a voters list for Mon State, according to U Hein...
August 29, 2019
The Government’s Peace Commission welcomes KNU’s decision to join the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST), the leading team for the NCA-S EAO (...
August 29, 2019
Before 2020, an agreement must be achieved to guarantee the ceasefire and to uphold the implementation of the peace process with the next government...
August 29, 2019
The Ward/Village Population Data Collecting Team has been reportedly collecting household document data in order to compile voting lists for the...
August 23, 2019
Some of the companies operating in the land extraction sector (mining and digging in quarries) in Paung are concerned the Mon State government may...
August 21, 2019
The government has indicated it will provide paddy seeds to the flood damaged plantations in Mon State, as well as building new homes for those...