Independent Mon News Agency

Photo of missing doctor and son (photo: Thu Thu Kha Magway)
December 16, 2019
Family members held a press conference on December 12 to address rumours regarding the disappearance of father and son from Mawlamyine since December...
a photo of Tatmadaw located close to the Mon ethnic military base (Google Map)
December 16, 2019
Although the army has withdrawn from the New Mon State Party military base in Pauline Japan village, local people are concerned that...
Five leaders of ethnic political parties having informal meeting (photo:KSPP)
December 12, 2019
The five ethnic political parties from five states, Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, and Mon held a three day meeting to discuss plans to cooperate with...
December 12, 2019
Today, we celebrate the 71st International Human Rights Day and stand with all nations around the world in commemorating the United Nations General...
December 12, 2019
In Mon State, only eight out of 398 complaint letters regarding corruption have been investigated from January to October 2019, according to the...
December 11, 2019
A policy seminar aimed at combating drug abuse among youth in Mon State was held at the Rahmonnya Hotel in Mawlamyine on December 4th and 5th. The...
December 11, 2019
A police officer faced gunfire on the way back from a drug arrest in Mote-Soe-Kyon village in Kyaikmayaw, Mon State on December 5th. Before the...
December 10, 2019
During the week the Tatmadaw army and the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF) occupied Palaing Japan village many houses were broken into, ransacked and...
December 10, 2019
Sa-Daung Non — According to the Mon State government the June Cement Industry Limited company has plans for its operations to be built near Makro...
December 9, 2019
After the Tatmadaw decamped from the Paline Japan military base to the New Mon State Party (NMSP), near Three Pagodas Pass Town, on Thai-Burma border...
A map of NMSP office located 900 feet away from Hinthar Dine checkpoint (Google)
December 6, 2019
Hundreds of members from the Tatmadaw military and the Karen Border Guard Force (BGF) have occupied the New Mon State Party (NMSP) military base in...
Interview with PalanJapan (Japanese Well) internally displaced persons (IDPs)
December 5, 2019
Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) conducted a short interview with internally displaced people (IDP) who fled their homes in PalanJapan (...