Independent Mon News Agency

February 3, 2020
A Myanmar military (Tatmadaw) officer has been killed in a landmine blast that occured between Thandaunggyi and Hpapun Township in Karen State. The...
A group photo includes DASSK, government officials and Nai Hongsa along with leaders from NMSP (NRPC)
February 3, 2020
National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) Chair and State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the New Mon State Party (NMSP) chairperson have...
February 1, 2020
Reported by: Interviewer: Nai Banyar Aung On behalf of Mon News Agency, I would like to congratulate you for having been elected to become the New...
Photo-JICM Pre-negotiation meeting between the government’s representative and NCA-S EAO members (NCA-S EAO)
February 1, 2020
The biggest challenge for the ethnic armed groups in the current peace process is the six principles for peace established by the Tatmadaw, says, New...
February 1, 2020
The Mon State government has set aside K 100 million (100,000,000) for the annual Mon State Affairs budget. Although this represents an increase in...
January 29, 2020
Despite a policy decision of the Mon Unity Party (MUP) to pursue increased participation of youth and women as election candidates in the 2020...
January 29, 2020
The Mon State Hluttaw General Issues Review committee heard complaints from communities in Ye Township, that the police failed to take action in the...
January 27, 2020
In 2019, an estimated 28 million international and domestic tourists visited Mon state, according to the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism. Thai...
Photo - Training of constitution and election-related information (MNA)
January 25, 2020
In an effort to educate young people and the public about the upcoming 2020 election and the Myanmar Constitution a variety of groups came together...
Photo- The meeting of Democratic Force and Ethnic Political Party (Thanlwin Khat)
January 25, 2020
Social rehabilitation and development sectors can advance if peacebuilding can be achieved, noted ed a senior official of the Mon Unity Party. “There...
Photo – PPST press conference (NCA-S EAO)Photo – PPST press conference (NCA-S EAO)
January 22, 2020
The first meeting in the new year of the Peace Process Steering Team (PPST) took place in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The 2-day meeting included the ethnic...
Kratom plantation owner, Nai Sone Thein, was arrested, on January 10 (photo: Dra Gon)
January 21, 2020
The New Mon State Party (NMSP) forces destroyed over 300 kratom plants seized at Ngat Pyaw Taw and Sate Kalay villages in Kyarinseikkyi Township,...