Independent Mon News Agency

Photo: Returnees from Thailand (photo: Internet)
April 23, 2020
Authorities planned to set up a Community Based Quarantine Facilities (CBQF) in Pa-Nga village in Thanbyuzayat Township. Myanmar returnees from many...
Returnees who have completed 21-day Quarantine (photo: Bo Win)
April 23, 2020
Yan Lin Aung - On April 21, 2019, over 500 returnees (migrant workers) from Thailand were allowed to go back to their homes after completing 21 days...
April 20, 2020
On April 17, 2020, the Karen State Security and Border Affairs Ministry sent a letter to the Karen National Union (KNU) headquarters and Liaison...
Caption : Photo – A night camp of returnees from Thailand somewhere near Palaung Japan village (Saikamar Nonramarn)
April 14, 2020
Over 100 people returning from Thailand are being held by the New Mon State Party (NMSP) near Palaung Japan village in Three Pagoda Pass (TPP), Thai...
April 14, 2020
Mon News Agency (MNA) Editor, Nai Wona Mehm, interviewed Nai Aung Ma Ngae, a spokesperson with the New Mon State Party (NMSP) one of the Ethnic Armed...
April 13, 2020
The Mon State government has arranged for Community Based Facilities Quarantine (CBFQ) for returnees from Thailand to Myanmar. According to U Myint...
Laboratory testing for COVID-19 (Ministry of Health and Sports)
April 11, 2020
Yan Lin Aung — A 24-year-old has been confirmed to have coronavirus (COVID-19) and has been sent to the Mawlamyine public hospital. This is the 27th...
Photo – Interviewee, Nai Tin San (MNA)
April 10, 2020
Ye Township in the far south of Mon State and Ye PhyuTownship in the Tanintharyi region is home to the Karen, Mon, Dawei, and Burmese ethnic...
The statement of Salween Peace Park (Copy)
April 9, 2020
On the evening of March 31, a villager from Htee Baw Kee, was killed by a Tatmadaw troop. Saw Thet Mee was on his way back from a food and household...
Three Pagoda Pass Town entrance checkpoint from Thai border (MNA)
April 7, 2020
As part of the COVID-19 control measures, all returnees from Thailand entering Myanmar through the Three Pagoda Pass, in Karen State at the Thai-...
Durians from Mon State (Farmer)
April 4, 2020
Plantation owners in Ye Township are experiencing plummeting prices of fruits such as durian, mangosteen, pineapple and melons. Due to a suspension...
April 2, 2020
A joint statement endorsed by 266 Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) echoes the United Nations Secretary General call for ASEAN governments to end...