Japan: Man arrested for extortion attempt over journalist killed in Burma

Japan: Man arrested for extortion attempt over journalist killed in Burma
A man was arrested on Monday for allegedly trying to extort cash from a reporter after the reporter refused a deal to take a video allegedly shot by video journalist Kenji Nagai, who was gunned down by Myanmar security troops ...

Tokyo, Sept. 23 Kyodo - A man was arrested on Monday for allegedly trying to extort cash from a reporter after the reporter refused a deal to take a video allegedly shot by video journalist Kenji Nagai, who was gunned down by Myanmar security troops last September, the Metropolitan Police Department said Tuesday.

The man, identified as Maung Win Min Htun, a Myanmarese national who lives in Tokyo's Katsushika Ward, denied the allegation, according to the police.

According to the investigation, the suspect contacted the 33-year-old reporter with Tokyo-based APF News Inc. in December, for which Nagai was working, saying he could obtain video footage Nagai had taken but he would need money to do so.

After the reporter refused the deal, the suspect is alleged to have attempted to extort money from the reporter at a Tokyo restaurant on January 14. He is quoted as saying he would resort to taking some action unless he was paid around 500,000 yen.

The man said he was sounded out by the reporter and he did not try to extort anything from him.

Nagai was killed while videotaping anti-government demonstrations in Myanmar. The Myanmar government has not returned his video camera and tapes, despite repeated requests by his relatives.

Originally published by Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, in English 0245 23 Sep 08.